12 research outputs found

    Designing Enterprise Resources Planning Application for Integrating Main Activities in a Simulator Model of SCM Network Distribution

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    Collaborative supply chain is a specific topic in supply chain management and studied by industrial engineering students in supply chain management course. Unfortunately, conventional learning media cannot explain the phenomenon of collaborative supply chain to the students. This study aimed to design a dynamic learning media so that inter-company collaboration and information sharing on the activities of Supply Chain entities can be explained effectively to the students. The problem was solved using 3 (three) steps. First, the distribution network was described using mock up. It consists of miniature trucks, miniature network and miniature of the manufacturer-distributor-retailer embedded with tag and reader of RFID. Second, the Enterprise Resources Planning application was developed for supporting business activities. Third, we developed the integrator consists of monitor’s user interface and practice modules. The result of the research - an SCM-Simulator – will be able to improve learning skills of industrial engineering graduates, especially abilities to identify, formulate, and solve the activities of tactical plan & operational routines of Supply Chain entities. However, distribution module designed is for limited scale laboratory study of simple objects. Keywords: Distribution Network, Enterprise Resource Planning, Industrial Engineering Education, SCM Simulator,and Learning Media

    Improvement of Layout Production Facilities for a Secondary Packaging Area of a Pharmaceutical Company in Indonesia using the Corelap Method

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    This research is for one of the pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia. The company's production area is composed of two parts, namely a Black Area and a Grey Area for processing and packaging. There are four types of packaging in the Secondary Packaging Area. Each type of packaging uses different processes, but there are also some processes that are used by all types of packaging. Based on these observations, the layout of the production area for secondary packaging in the pharmaceutical company is not optimal because the material handling distances are still quite long and there are some similar processes for same packaging type that are not adjacent, so that the production process is inefficient. This study aims to redesign the layout in the area with the Computerized Relationship Layout Planning (CORELAP) method. Data such as the name of the process, the order of the process, and the relationship between processes into the Activity Relationship Chart (ARC), are subsequently processed to obtain the Total Closeness Rating (TCR) values for each process iterated with the CORELAP method. From the calculations, the proposed layout has material handling distances that are shortened by 9.017% compared with the current layout. The same type of packaging processes are located in adjacent positions

    Pengembangan Model Untuk Evaluasi Faktor Keberhasilan Implementasi Internet of Things (IoT) Pada Industri Otomotif di Indonesia

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    Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengeluarkan Roadmap Making Indonesia 4.0 sebagai langkah untuk memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0 dengan tujuan meningkatkan daya saing industri agar dapat masuk ke dalam 10 besar ekonomi dunia pada tahun 2030. Peranan Internet of Things (IoT) dalam revolusi industri ini memiliki kepentingan yang tinggi karena mampu meningkatkan efisiensi kerja dan mengurangi biaya operasional perusahaan. Beberapa perusahaan manufaktur di Indonesia telah berhasil mengimplementasikan teknologi IoT. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor keberhasilan dalam penerapan teknologi IoT agar keberhasilan perusahaan yang telah menerapkan IoT dapat menjadi panduan bagi perusahaan lain. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai identifikasi dan evaluasi faktor-faktor keberhasilan implementasi Internet of Things (IoT) pada perusahaan otomotif di Indonesia yang memiliki karakteristik spesifik yang mungkin berbeda dengan kondisi di negara lain. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan melakukan identifikasi faktor-faktor keberhasilan implementasi IoT melalui studi literatur, yang menghasilkan 8 dimensi dan 34 sub dimensi faktor keberhasilan dalam implementasi IoT. Selanjutnya, dilakukan survei dengan pertanyaan terbuka (Open Ended Question) yang mencakup 27 subdimensi yang dipilih oleh responden dan menerima 9 sub dimensi masukan dari responden. Validasi dilakukan menggunakan Metode Delphi dalam 3 putaran. Panel ahli yang terdiri dari 5 orang dengan latar belakang yang beragam, termasuk akademisi, praktisi, dan kementerian perindustrian, digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Setelah melakukan wawancara, ditemukan 8 dimensi dan 32 sub dimensi yang valid menjadi faktor-faktor keberhasilan implementasi IoT pada industri otomotif di Indonesia. Langkah berikutnya adalah menguji hubungan antar faktor-faktor keberhasilan menggunakan metode DEMATEL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dimensi Inovasi dan Ide memiliki pengaruh paling kuat terhadap 7 dimensi lainnya. Metode ANP digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan peringkat dimensi dan subdimensi berdasarkan bobot global yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan panel ahli. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 2 model evaluasi menggunakan Analisis Regresi Logistik. Pada Model 1 Analisis Regresi Logistik, terdapat 5 variabel independen yang signifikan dan 3 variabel independen yang tidak signifikan. Pada Model 2 Analisis Regresi Logistik, terdapat 4 variabel independen yang signifikan dan 1 variabel independen yang tidak signifikan. Hasil akurasi model diperoleh model 1 sebesar 86% dan model 2 sebesar 88%. Model evaluasi ini digunakan untuk manager perusahaan untuk evaluasi dan perumusan strategi yang lebih efisien terkait dengan faktor keberhasilan implementaasi IoT di industri otomotif untuk meningkatkan proses bisnis perusahaan dalam meraih keunggulan jangka panjang. ================================================================================================================================ The Indonesian government has issued the Making Indonesia 4.0 Roadmap as a step to enter the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with the aim of enhancing the competitiveness of industries and positioning Indonesia among the top 10 world economies by 2030. The role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in this industrial revolution is crucial as it can improve work efficiency and reduce costs for companies. Several manufacturing companies in Indonesia have successfully implemented IoT technology. Therefore, it is important to identify the success factors in IoT implementation so that the success of these companies can serve as a reference for others. This research discusses the identification and evaluation of success factors in implementing the Internet of Things (IoT) in the automotive industry in Indonesia, which may have specific characteristics different from other countries. The research begins by identifying success factors in IoT implementation through literature review, resulting in 8 dimensions and 34 sub-dimensions of success factors in IoT implementation. Subsequently, an Open-Ended Question survey was conducted, with 27 sub-dimensions selected by respondents and 9 sub-dimensions provided by respondents. Validation was carried out using the Delphi Method in 3 rounds. The expert panel consisted of 5 individuals with diverse backgrounds, including academics, practitioners, and representatives from the Ministry of Industry. After conducting interviews, 8 valid sub-dimensions and 32 sub-dimensions were obtained as success factors in implementing IoT in the automotive industry in Indonesia. The next step is to examine the relationship between success factors using the DEMATEL method. The results of the study show that the Innovation and Idea dimensions have the strongest influence on the other 7 dimensions. The ANP method was used in this study to obtain dimension and sub-dimensional rankings based on global weights obtained through interviews with a panel of experts. This study produced 2 evaluation models using Logistic Regression Analysis. In Model 1 of Logistic Regression Analysis, there are 5 significant independent variables and 3 insignificant independent variables. In Model 2 of Logistic Regression Analysis, there are 4 significant independent variables and 1 insignificant independent variable. The results of the model accuracy were obtained by model 1 of 86% and model 2 of 88%. This evaluation model is used for company managers to evaluate and formulate more efficient strategies related to the success factors of IoT implementation in the automotive industry to improve company business processes in achieving long-term excellence

    Efforts to Increase Carica Dieng Superior Drink Products Through Improvement of Production and Marketing System to Achieve Local Economic Potential

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    Dieng is a plateau in Central Java Province where most of the land is managed for agriculture. Peoples cultivate potato and holticultural plant as the main comodities. In addition, they also began to cultivate fruit crops, carica. The cultivation and utilization of carica is a form of Dieng plateau area erotion conservation. For the past few years, carica has begun to be processed by farmers into a variety of processed foods and drinks, such as jam, sweets, chips, and carica syrup. Our partners in the Community Engagement Grants program here is a collection of home industries in the field of carica drink which is then named as Carica Dieng Production House (CDPH). One of the problem that they are faced is about production system. In addition, this community experienced a loss of opportunity due to the media for marketing. This Community Engagement Program has a purpose on process improvement. Improvements are divided into several aspects, such as product innovation, manufacturing process improvement, financial planning and accounting, and marketing. Improvements in the waste disposal system are also made to benefit. The methodology that we used in this paper is divided into 3 main areas, which areas are pre-action phase, core phase, and monitoring and evaluations. The output of this activity is to make a good product in all process aspects. All of this can not be separated from the main goal in creating superior products that can compete in national and global markets

    Planning to Increasing Production Flexibility on Highest Unmatching Ratio Products in Automotive Company with DMAIC Approach

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    This study aims to increasing production flexibility on highest unmatching ratio products in an Indonesia company. This study focuses on the problem of an inability to absorb orders fluctuations by dealer or end customer at one of Indonesia's leading automotive companies. If it is not solved, it will potentially causes cancelation order. Therefore, the necessary improvements in order to increase the production flexibility of the company. Method used in this research is DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve & Control) in way to get the right solution. Improvements will have an impact on opportunity cost and unmatching ratio. In this study, absorption scheme fluctuations order on a weekly basis in the form of WOC (Weekly Order Change) with adding a safety stock of unique part by using Q-model calculations. The results obtained from this study is the profit as the opportunity cost IDR 431,635,851 and unmatching ratio decrease from 4.9% in before condition become 1.2% in after condition

    Planning to Increasing Production Flexibility on Highest Unmatching Ratio Products in Automotive Company with DMAIC Approach

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    This study aims to increasing production flexibility on highest unmatching ratio products in an Indonesia company. This study focuses on the problem of an inability to absorb orders fluctuations by dealer or end customer at one of Indonesia's leading automotive companies. If it is not solved, it will potentially causes cancelation order. Therefore, the necessary improvements in order to increase the production flexibility of the company. Method used in this research is DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve & Control) in way to get the right solution. Improvements will have an impact on opportunity cost and unmatching ratio. In this study, absorption scheme fluctuations order on a weekly basis in the form of WOC (Weekly Order Change) with adding a safety stock of unique part by using Q-model calculations. The results obtained from this study is the profit as the opportunity cost IDR 431,635,851 and unmatching ratio decrease from 4.9% in before condition become 1.2% in after condition

    Increasing The Efficiency of The Cub Engine Assembly Lines In The Automotive Industry Using Ranked Positional Weight

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    In this modern era, the competition among the manufacturing industry, especially in the automotive sector will become increasingly tight which causes companies need to innovate so that satisfaction of the consumer can be maintained. The production process will be an important aspect in the automotive industry to maintain the quality of products and ensure consumer demand can be fulfilled. The problems that often occur in the production process is in the form of production flow constraints caused by workload unbalanced in the assembly lines. The imbalance causes the assembly lines do not run in a cycle time that is determined, so that consumer demand can not be meet in the right amount and companies need to spend more to mitigate them. Therefore, this study was conducted to balance workload on the assembly line by using line balancing form Ranked Positional Weight (RPW) with a subsequent increase in the efficiency and productivity of assembly line that affect production process runs without any contraints

    Service design improvement in Ragunan Zoo using TRIZ methodology

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    Indonesia is a country that has a great potential in tourism with its beautiful landscape and also the culture diversity. It makes government of Indonesia actively do development programs in the tourism sector to make tourism as one of the biggest contributor to Indonesia GDP. Ragunan Zoo has been selected to be the pilot project in cashless transaction at recreation places all over Indonesia. It has been applied since May 2016 but there still a lot of dissatisfaction from the visitor. So then, this research is trying to improve the service design in cashless transaction for ticket purchasing in Ragunan Zoo accordance with Ragunan visitor preferences to help successing government program. Researcher use Themequal to develop a questionnaire that has been distributed to 390 respondents. Result from questionnaire then processed using Fuzzy Gap Analysis and TRIZ method to get the possible solutions. Service Blueprint then used to illustrate the improvement of service design on ticket purchase at Ragunan Zoo based on the results

    Increasing The Efficiency of The Cub Engine Assembly Lines In The Automotive Industry Using Ranked Positional Weight

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    In this modern era, the competition among the manufacturing industry, especially in the automotive sector will become increasingly tight which causes companies need to innovate so that satisfaction of the consumer can be maintained. The production process will be an important aspect in the automotive industry to maintain the quality of products and ensure consumer demand can be fulfilled. The problems that often occur in the production process is in the form of production flow constraints caused by workload unbalanced in the assembly lines. The imbalance causes the assembly lines do not run in a cycle time that is determined, so that consumer demand can not be meet in the right amount and companies need to spend more to mitigate them. Therefore, this study was conducted to balance workload on the assembly line by using line balancing form Ranked Positional Weight (RPW) with a subsequent increase in the efficiency and productivity of assembly line that affect production process runs without any contraints

    Critical Success Factors for Internet of Things (IoT) Implementation in Automotive Companies, Indonesia

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    In 2018, the Indonesian government launched the Making Indonesia 4.0 Roadmap under The Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. This road map aims to increase industrial competitiveness and make the nation one of the world’s top 10 economies by 2030. The role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is important to improve work efficiency and reduce companies’ costs. Although several manufacturing companies in Indonesia have successfully implemented this technology, so it is important to identify the critical success factors in its application for other companies. Therefore, this study discusses the essential factors of success for implementing IoT in automotive companies in Indonesia, which have differing specific application characteristics from the conditions in other countries. The Delphi method obtained data from 8 dimensions and 32 sub-dimensions. These included the finance, regulatory, people and management, operation, technology, innovation, ideas, and resource dimensions. Other automotive companies can use the results as a reference in implementing IoT and evaluating and improving their business performance, as well as formulating the right strategy to achieve excellence in the long term